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A New Year, A New You

What a year 2020 has been. Many of us can remember when this was claimed to be the year of "clear vision" by many, and I am sure many of you joined me halfway through to think, "man, how wrong that was." But was it really all that wrong and far off as the title of one of the most life-changing years we will ever experience? When the world became questionable and each day was shadowed by uncertainty, what did you hold fast to?

Many people around the world would have a hard time answering those questions with honesty. At times I would have a hard time answering that with certainty and honesty as well. That's okay. However, now we have an opportunity to learn from the doubt, learn from the loss, and move forward into the provision that God has promised us. You see, this past year has shown us that we can and need to rely upon God in all things. It has brought a clear vision as to who we need and who is there for us always. God is the one who plants us in the soil to grow our fruit.

As the Psalm above states, we must put our trust in God. God wants to restore you to something greater. Not for you, we must understand this simple aspect of our Christian life, but for His kingdom and His glory. We must continue not only to give back to God and His kingdom, but we must also pass on the blessing to others.

When God provides for us, we must give back to Him, the one who supplies us in our need. Think of God's provision as a river flowing through the world. God takes you as a seed and plants you near it. Now you get to soak up all the blessings, nutrients, and things you need to grow and flourish within the desolation of sin. But what were to happen if you kept that flow only for yourself, blocking it off from others who were also planted near the stream? They would surely die and perish, and you as the overfed tree keeping all things for yourself would also perish and die.

You see, when we soak up all the blessing and allow that flow to stop with us, we become puffed up and bloated with self-importance. We think that all of those things belong to us, and we created the stream and its benefits. I speak from personal experiencing, having amazing opportunities be presented and then running them into the ground over pride, vanity, and self-reliance.

In this new year, I want to challenge myself and you to be better if you will join me. To serve better, bless better, and testify of God better. To be better, tress and oasis stop for those traveling through this world looking for a drink to refresh themselves and encourage them. Let us become...better together.

Grace & Peace,

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Nathan Harvey is an Ordained Minister through the Church of God TN. He currently attends Sheffield Church of God with his wife and children and enjoys serving in any capacity the church needs. ​Growing up in a WELS Lutheran home Nathan has a solid biblical education that continued throughout his life through the honest pursuit of the purity of God's Word. 

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